Find clarity in your messaging

How to Find Clarity In Your Messaging

Show Notes from a Clubhouse conversation with Grace Blacksea

I got to spend part of my morning with the amazing, the incredible Grace Blacksea of Quench Collective as we discussed the importance of having clarity in your messaging. As business owners, it’s all to easy to overcomplicate things and lose sight of our aligned client which leads to overwhelm amongst a laundry list of other things you want to avoid. In this conversation, Grace and I move through three topics: 1) Knowing your dream client 2) Simplifying your message 3) Connecting through authenticity and empathy.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions! You can also connect with Grace on Instagram!

Knowing Your Aligned / Dream Client

  • It’s important to go through this client discovery process process quarterly
  • Know how your most aligned client is sold to / how they purchase things
    • How is she presently making decisions?
    • How do they want to feel?
  • How can you help your ideal client feel secure in their decision making?
    • Hit on the WHY and SO WHAT?
    • Share the benefits / outcomes
    • It’s the feeling on the other side of that product/service that is what sells!
  • What do they need? How do they feel?
    • Putting them at the forefront of what you’re doing will help you win every time. From an impact perspective and from a business perspective.

Simplifying Your Message

  • The importance of omnipresence: getting your brand visible across multiple platforms.
  • Brand visibility + authority: Becoming the go-to expert in your industry
  • Doing less with more intention
    • Taking that core message and going deeper across each marketing platform.
      • IE: Writing blog posts around video marketing, showing up on Video on Instagram, talking about video marketing on Clubhouse, etc.
    • You don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each platform. Take that same positioning statement and tweak it to meet your ICA on each platform.
  • Create your message based on what your client NEEDS rather than just click-worthy, or loaded with industry jargon to make it seem like you’re the expert.
    • Is this going to help him/her/them?
    • Is it impactful?

Connecting through authenticity and empathy:

  • The root of authenticity and empathy is connection. 
  • Bring it back to the power of one: think about one specific person when you create your content.
    • This helps you simplify your message, speak directly to the need, and build trust with your audience.
    • Your ICA can be representative of all the women you want to help, but when you focus on that one person you can confidently connect and engage with the right people.
  • It’s important to honor your values too! When you shift away from that you’ll feel a disconnect from yourself and your dream clients.
  • Questions to ask:
    • Am I connecting with that person?
    • Am I trying to please others around me / other professionals?
    • Am I having fun or putting a lot of pressure on myself?
  • Showing up on video will help you connect on a deeper level
    • You don’t have to look or sound perfect to be a leader
    • Building authority vs showing up as a leader
      • Leader: something you embody
      • Authority:  something you establish
    • Showing up from a place of imperfection is okay!
    • This helps people feel seen, heard, and understood.

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Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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