Liz McVoy, Video + Marketing Consultant

Defined By Numbers

Friend, you are not defined by numbers.

Your number of followers on Instagram. The size of your email list. The $$ in your bank account.

They do not define you.

I’d forgotten about that for a little bit and noticed this daily sinking feeling – Why aren’t my programs filling as fast as hers? Why were my open rates so low on that email? X amount of money is great but I really need _____ amount….

Empty. Frustrated. Disheartened. I’d allowed numbers to make me feel like I wasn’t enough.

Has that ever happened to you?

I’m here to tell you that like the stock market, those numbers will go up and down every dang day and you won’t always be in control. You cannot hinge your definition of success on money, clients, social media, or popularity because those things can change as quickly as a gust of wind.

What CAN you use as a tool to measure your success? Peace. Joy. Gratitude. Contentment.

You are in control over the narrative. You can choose to shift from “I want more” to “I have enough for today.” You can rewire to go from “This is a failure.” to “This is an opportunity to do things differently.”

Will it be easy? Perhaps some days more than others, but the point is that you can change the narrative. You can make your own definition of success.

What are you working to redefine? Have the numbers been getting you down lately? Let me know I’m not alone!

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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