Liz McVoy Creative Video & Design Agency, Marketing Mentorships for online businesses.

The Ultimate Way to Stand Out In Front Of Your Dream Clients

DING! The overhead speaker sounded “Buckle up folks! This is gonna be a bumpy flight so we won’t be turning off the seat belt sign until we reach Detroit.” 

The phrase every parent loves to hear when flying with kids… said no one ever. I’ll save you the gory details but right after they said that, our 7 month old (who was strapped to me in a body wrap) had a blow-out. And I don’t mean the kind you pay for at the salon!! 

The next 42 minutes were spent cringing and doing my best to NOT draw attention to the 💩💩 situation.

What I would have given to become invisible in that moment! 

It’s quite the opposite as a business owner. We bust our buns to gain visibility and get our audience’s eyeballs on our services, especially during launch-mode. Which is exactly why I created the Attraction Marketing Accelerator – to make branding and marketing yourself easy. 

So what happens when  you’re mid-launch and the only person who’s clicking on your emails is your mother?! It’s straight crickets! 

You’re wondering why aren’t people knocking down your door and begging you to take their money!? It’s usually one of two things: Your audience is either unaware or unsure of your offer.

Let’s tackle problem #1: Your audience is unaware of your offer.

Current state: You basically need a sky-writer at this point because you’ve not talked about your offer enough to draw interest from your audience.

What’s holding you back: Fear of being too salesy or pushy. Limiting beliefs that people would have contacted you right away if they were interested.

Reality: Your audience needs to be presented with your offer 7-11 times before it actually connects that they might want what you have.

What to do: 

  • Consistently share your offer across multiple platforms
  • Use words that highlight current and future state
  • Position your offer as the solution to getting your ICA from point A to B

Stay tuned because in my next blog post, we will be diving into what to do when experiencing problem #2: Messy messaging. 

Can’t wait and want help like yesterday? Click here to enroll in my fall AMA program to begin the journey to messaging that cuts through the noise.

Now, where can this girl go for an actual blow-out?? Mama needs a spa day!! 

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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