Liz McVoy, Video + Marketing Consultant

Which Type of Business Investment Is Right For You

TIME >> it’s our nonrenewable resource, the one thing we covet more of most, and also the best excuse we use when we don’t want to do something. (amiright? 🤫)

Train for a marathon. → Sounds time consuming

Start a business. → That’ll take forever

Get a puppy. → That’s a lot of potty breaks.

Have a kid. → The best “time-suck” ever 😍❤️

So if you’re debating on whether to join a program, mastermind, or even a masterclass but you’re not sure if it’s the “right time” Here’s my answer 👇



→ WHEN you have a deficit AND it’s hindering reaching a specific need/goal.

→ WITH someone who’s the subject specialist AND has similar values to you

→ WITHOUT excuses.

My friend and I were just talking about this over coffee. There’s a reason they call it work — you don’t just wake up one day a successful biz owner.

It takes effort, failure, strategy, belief, and…. TIME!


I always loved the quote, “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” because it’s a reminder that they’re where they are today because one day they just started!

You can decide at any point to start. Don’t let time be your excuse.

I’ll leave you with this: If you’re stuck today, feeling unclear, directionless, and needing a path forward, WHY wouldn’t you invest in getting out of that spot??

We’re filling spots for your very own Growth Week right now! Want more deets?! Click here. You won’t regret it.

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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