The importance of leadership in digital marketing. Liz McVoy Creative.

How to Honor Your Brand Values with Social Media

As the CEO & Founder of the Liz McVoy Creative brand, it’s so important to me that our actions both on and offline honor our brand values.

Over the last year, I shared my heart, energy, and knowledge around video, branding, marketing, motherhood and entrepreneurship in hopes of helping others reach their goals, feel less alone, or simply be entertained.
I’ve met so many incredible women, served dozens of businesses through agency services and marketing mentorships. And I grew my Instagram account from 130 to 1700+ which was also pretty cool.
Yet lately, social media has felt more of a chore and checkmark on the to-do list than a place of connection.
To be transparent, I haven’t really wanted to engage with other accounts because it felt like I was doing it because that’s what the algorithm wanted… Doing so would’ve felt calculated and manipulative, which would go against our brand values.
So over the past two weeks, I’ve cut my time on the platform from ~1.5+ hours per day down to 30 minutes (mostly for posting stories and reels). I focused on my current clients, my friends, and my family.

Here’s what has come from this change:

  1. Less stress and contentment with where I am in my business TODAY
  2. 5 agency projects from clients that don’t follow me on Instagram – they were all referrals
  3. Clarity around the next steps to scale — we’re hiring and I can’t wait to share more!
  4. Re-centering around true relationships over vanity metrics. 
  5. And I removed over 600 accounts from my Instagram following.

Am I worried that someone will look at my account now and go, “Oh she only has a little over 1000 followers” as compared to nearly 2000? Kind of. But in my gut I know it doesn’t matter and I’d rather have 100 friends than 10,000 followers.
That’s that attitude of a leader. I want to be known for integrity, empathy, approachability, and excellence. Metrics don’t make that happen; actions do.

What about you? Has your IG follower count been messing with your confidence? I dare you to start thinking about it differently. Look past the metrics and focus your attention to the kind of leader you want to be in your business, your family, and your community.

I’m cheering you on and can’t wait to see what you do next.

Want to build a business that doesn’t just rely on Instagram?

Jump on the waitlist for the Attraction Marketing Accelerator!

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