Have you ever been in one of those cash machines? You watch as the contestant desperately grabs at cash falling from the sky, so focused on grasping a $20 that they COMPLETELY ignore the thousands laying at their feet!!
This happens ALLL the time in business. You spend hours searching for that magical formula to overnight-success where you get to rake in the dough but you’re missing opportunities right in front of you. >>> Which reminds me,
AMA is filling up right now so be sure to throw your application in the ring before the doors close! <<<
10 Year Vision vs Working In the Present
Having a 10-year vision for your life and business is great! But sometimes people get caught up in that future state that they don’t ask the question, “What do I need to do TODAY to get to tomorrow?”
By asking that question, you can better identify those needle-moving tasks, the powerful baby steps or action items you need to take today to move forward.
Make a Plan and Stick to It
Once you know what your needle-movers are, make a plan and stick to it! If you keep wavering, you’ll end up spending months googling, throwing spaghetti at the wall, and sampling free coaching content on Instagram, and guess what? You’ll be grasping at air.
You’ll have wasted your time trying to piece everything together with no clear direction on where you’re headed.
The truth is, there is NO step-by-step plan, OneDirection , or way to scale your business.
Here’s what DOES help you scale:
1) Quit the excuses — you have time if you have time to watch HGTV
2) Commit to your own success — Real results require taking action.
3) Feel the fear and do it anyway — Make the call, pursue the client, or hire the mentor. Get out of your own way and lean into the uncomfortable. That’s where growth happens.
I don’t have a cash machine but I am really good at helping you figure things out and get where you want to go. Wanna work with me? Apply to the Attraction Marketing Accelerator. The fall cohort starts in September!
A free resource to help you move forward
Lastly, whether you’re ready for AMA or not, I still want you to take steps towards greater brand clarity. Have you taken our free FRIENDS themed brand voice quiz yet? If not, click here to find out your brand’s voice and which FRIENDS character you are!