Liz McVoy branding, marketing, and business coach sitting on a chair in Grand Rapids Michigan

How to Navigate Shifts In Your Business | SHIFT Series, part III


We recently implemented Summer Fridays which means our office is officially closed on Fridays and I get to be home with my kids!! I dreamed of this day! Nora, Isaac and I have a whole list of fun activities for the summer.


Blueberry picking at a local farm.

Time swimming at the lake.

Trips to the Children’s Museum.

Plucking juicy raspberries from our backyard garden.


Typing it all out makes me so dang happy. And you know what NAME? I could’ve easily told myself that my business couldn’t handle me taking Fridays off, that those missing hours would hurt the bottom line, yada yada yada.


It was a shift I wanted to make and by golly I made it happen!


So what about you? Let’s finish our SHIFT series.


Now that you’ve identified that you’re ready to make some changes, how do you actually get started?



Here are the two paths we often see online entrepreneurs choose:

1. They make quick decisions and start right away.

2. They sit with an idea for a while and then slowly chip away towards progress.


Neither is right or wrong. Whether you work with us in a coaching capacity or consult with LMC Agency here’s how we steer you towards making the right decision for *you*.

Growth Week experience for entrepreneurs with Liz McVoy

Our process with our clients always begins with:

1) Revisiting your core desires, goals, and capacity. → We want to make sure any changes honor your time + energy.


2) Evaluating what is and is not working for you and your customers. → Structure of offerings, time investment, financials, etc.


3) Developing a game plan or runway to work towards your goals. → What changes can we realistically within a set timeframe?

We also help you avoid doing this ↓

 → An idea pops into your head and you rush to execute so the idea never gets to be fully birthed.

 → You let fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs fill your mind and paralyze you from moving forward.

 → You set aside your idea because it’s not “the right time” and then months later you’re in the same spot or moving backward.


This summertime weather has us wanting to check the ‘Vacation Mode’ on all things which is TOTALLY possible if you have a plan in place, but I don’t want a lack of momentum or burnout to stop you from making things happen for yourself.


Maybe it’s Summer Fridays or a trip abroad. Maybe you wanna get your eyebrows microbladed, I don’t know! That’s up to you. But let me just say it was the best investment! lol!


The bottom line is change needs to happen and I’m here to walk alongside you through that shift. What do ya say? Want help in this next season?

helpful? save this for later!

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How to income stack for more profitable months. Business tips with Liz McVoy.
How to income stack for more profitable months. Business tips with Liz McVoy

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Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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