Liz McVoy business, branding, and marketing coach for small businesses owners

Simplify Your Marketing Message With These 3 Steps

Chocolate or poop?

The question every parent asks when they discover their toddler has wiped brown stuff all over the wall after being left unattended for 5 minutes. Would you feel better if you knew it was chocolate? Ah but there’s only 1 way to tell. You’ve gotta get up close. Stick with me!! 

Pause to recognize the incredible pun game since my last blog post about problem #2: messy messaging. We don’t always use potty humor over here but heck, it’s been a week and I’ve earned a glass of wine and some child humor!

Listen friend,  if you’ve got messy messaging, your audience is going to have to get up close and personal in order to figure out what your offer is, how it will benefit them, and if they need it after all. Don’t make them do that cause they probably won’t! 

Your messaging should be SO CLEAR that it practically smacks them in the face… in a good way of course! Not sure how to do that? Read on and check out the Attraction Marketing Accelerator – the program designed for creative service providers wanting to become the go-to expert in their industry. 

Let’s break down messy messaging a bit further: 

Current state: Your messaging is all over the place or so complicated that no one knows what the heck it is and why they need it!

What’s holding you back: Fear that stating things plainly will make your offer too generic or it won’t convince your audience cause it’s missing industry jargon.

Reality: People are passively consuming your content and it’s your job to make them stop and pay attention.

How to solve this problem:

  • Lead with the outcomes (what do they want most?!)
  • Keep the language simple
  • Speak directly to one person instead of talking to the masses

For example, instead of this: “Learn how to build brand visibility and create a strategic plan that will help you engage and convert ideal clients.” 

Say this: “Get the proven blueprint to marketing your business and signing high-ticket clients.”

Much snappier, right?! Tell me, is your content chocolate or poop? If it’s the latter, you may want to get on my fall AMA waitlist and get some well-deserved relief…I promise you’ll feel much better. 😉

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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