Liz McVoy Creative Video & Design Agency, Marketing Mentorships for online businesses.

Storytelling is the New Marketing

I snapped this photo of us the other day before Nora’s drop off at school. She was Star of the Week and was sooo proud!!

Liz McVoy Creative Video & Design Agency, Marketing Mentorships for online businesses.

One of these days I’ll get everyone totally in the frame πŸ˜‚

Nora got to bring 3 things for show and tell– one of them was her favorite story book about 10 little surfers (its super cute!)

You’re prob tired of me saying this but good marketing is actually just storytelling. ✨ Everyone has a story and I’m all about helping you tell yours.

Why?? πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Β  If you show up as you, share relatable stories and add value through your content, you’ll naturally attract your dream clients.

>>> My story in a nutshell 🌰

I felt stuck and isolated in my job as a multimedia producer so I decided to launch my agency and coaching business at 37 weeks pregnant with baby #2 (also at the start of the pandemic 😬).

My timing probs could’ve been better but I had a deep seeded dream for more flexibility, financial freedom, and fulfillment.

Do you have this too, friend??

It lights me up to mentor business owners on how to tell stories that naturally draw people in (without marketing gimmicks) while creating content that makes their brand stand out!!

Tell me your story!Β 

πŸ”₯ Seriously. If you’ve read this far, don’t just scroll on byβ€” I dare you to hit reply!

Besides the major perks of having a bathroom right by your office or the free-flowing coffee, what prompted you to start your business? Time, money, freedom, impact, the home office tax deduction?? πŸ˜‰

How is it going? What’s a big goal you have in the next 6 months?? Click Talk to Me + Fill me in!

xo, Liz

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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