Liz McVoy Creative Video & Design Agency, Marketing Mentorships for online businesses.

This One Goes Out to You

This one goes out to all the GHOSTS 👻

Kidding. Ghosting isn’t cool. This one is really for YOU:

→ The busy mom who would give up an entire night’s sleep if it meant she would feel less overwhelmed when the sun rises.

→ The frustrated creative who has big ideas but lacks clarity and direction on how to go from idea to reality.

→ The woman who’s struggling to believe in herself when she sees others’ perfected feeds and chants of success.

To all of my multi-passionate, huge-hearted, resilient women who want to do everything for everyone but can’t until you can see the way forward, know that I see each and every one of you.

I’ve been where you are, in some ways I’m still finding my way through.


✷ There’s enough room at the table for everyone and there’s someone RIGHT NOW who needs exactly who you are.

✷ Community and accountability will move you farther than going it alone.

✷ Fear, excuses, lies, and what-ifs will always be there at any level of success. It’s how you move through them that matters.


✷ Business strategy + direction → know where you want to go and how to get there.

✷ Brand + marketing strategy → let’s refine your offerings and connect you with your ideal clients.

✷ Mom jokes + problem-solving → If you’ve been around here for any time at all, you know I always try to make you smile and there’s never been a problem I didn’t want to help solve (#middlechildissues)

If reading this message helped you take a big breath and feel more seen, I think it’s a sign we need to work together.

What do ya say? Wanna grab ☕️ and figure it out together?

Head over and click “coffee date” and we’ll get something on the calendar.

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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