Brand Authority: How to Easily Gain Your Audience’s Trust

What is Brand Authority?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

In simple terms, brand authority is when others trust that your company is the expert within an industry or topic. You can’t just say you’re the expert – you have to earn that reputation.This begs the question of how to earn the trust of your audience? Part of the answer is to actually deliver on what you say you can do, accomplish, or offer. Don’t make promises you cannot keep. The other part of the answer to building trust with your audience boils down to brand positioning. You can have all the expertise in the world but if you don’t position yourself properly then your ideal client won’t know how you can help solve their problem! Here’s are four easy ways to build brand authority online:


Pitch to industry podcasts and publications! You can also be a contributor to places like Thrive Global and Medium where you can submit blog posts. Getting your work and words out in the world helps increase your brand awareness and it also boosts you credibility.


Talk about your corporate experience, education, awards, major milestones, and results that you’ve gotten in your industry and/or life. Maybe you’re a web designer that transformed a client’s website from cluttered and confusing to clear and crisp. Perhaps you’re a copywriter who was responsible for a major campaign with a big brand. Share those victories, your experience, and stories with pride!


It’s one thing to talk about the people you’ve helped and it’s another to let them brag about you! Save testimonials, complimentary comments & DMs, and video shoutouts. Share them on your website, in your social media highlights, and in your email content.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Going back to the beginning of this post, you do truly need to deliver on the promises you make to your audience and clients. Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge, give tips and insights, and share your stories. Some people worry that if they “give it all away” online then no one will come to them as an actual paying client. While I understand this viewpoint, it’s also possible that your audience will see the insane value you offer to people who DON’T pay you that they’ll assume your paid services and support are even more amazing. Plus the more you give, the more others benefit and that’ll feed into your social proof. So there you have it, four ways you can start building brand authority today. Remember, the goal of building brand authority is to build that trust with your audience so they can come to you with confidence knowing they can count on you for an amazing experience.⠀

Curious to know more about creating an elevated brand experience? Give this post a read. Ready to level-up and be supported throughout the marketing process? Get on the waitlist for the Attraction Marketing Accelerator, a 16-week marketing program to help you build brand awareness, attract your dream clients, make more money, and show up on video with confidence.

Liz McVoy Creative Marketing Mentorship

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